I have just finished them and posted to my shop on Etsy. The price for this pair is 22.44 EUR. What do you think - is the price rather cheap or expensive?
In order to prepare your own mask, or other means of homemade cosmetics, you do not have to deliberately go beyond the purchase of the necessary components and ingredients. Especially because their application gives much better results than using expensive cosmetics.
Recently, it is the demand and supply for a handmade soap, issued as an alternative industrial way. Why handmade soap is better than a soap in a store?
It is asnowandblizzardoutside
the window, and I'd loveto dreamabout the summer,the goldensand in the sea, the gentlesurf.... Iremembered myextensive
collection ofseashells. I took
out my herbarium whichour
grandfather made for us in his summer cottage. And thensuchcute
pendants came up. Dry flowers aresecuredunderthe layer of specialnon-toxic 3d jewelry lacquer.
There is asuede orlace cords on the pendants. Ifyouliked my
shell pendants, you can buy them in my Etsy shop...
Christening of the child is the Sacrament of the Church and is divine institution, which is made by Lord Himself . Sacrament is the sacred act in which using visible signs and symbols secretly ( inexplicably ) the person is gaining the grace of the Holy Spirit , or the saving power of God.