Monday, 17 February 2014

Homemade cosmetics

In order to prepare your own mask, or other means of homemade cosmetics, you do not have to deliberately go beyond the purchase of the necessary components and ingredients. Especially because their application gives much better results than using expensive cosmetics.

Before you choose a face mask, you need to decide what effect you expect - moisturizing, nourishing, toning or other.
Moisturizing mask
Any skin needs to moisturize, but especially moisturizing mask required for dehydrated flaky skin. To protect the skin from drying and to extend its youth, moisturizing mask is applied to the face and neck 1-2 times a week for 20-30 minutes, then wash off with warm water.
For moisturizing of oily skin, you can use honey and egg mask, which also cleanse the skin, narrows pores and help regulate the activity of sebaceous glands. For its preparation use two egg whites, 30 grams of honey, half a teaspoon of almond or peach butter, 2 tablespoons with crushed cereal. The mask is applied on the face for 15-20 minutes and remove with warm, then cool compress.
 Hydrating mask
Nutritional facials cleanse and smooth the skin . Regular use of these masks helps eliminate flaking, makes skin velvety and elasticity.
For the preparation of nutritious mask from potatoes cook a big potato "uniform", peel and mash. Add to it a little fresh milk and egg yolk. The resulting puree warm on a steam bath and apply on face for 20 minutes. Face is covered with a thick cloth. Wash off the mask with hot, then cold water.

Tonic mask
A task of toning masks - to stimulate blood circulation and metabolism in the skin, accelerate tissue regeneration, restore skin tone and freshness.
The mask from a fresh vegetables is toned a face very well. Remove the peel from a fresh cucumber, impose the inner side of the peel on your skin for a few minutes. Then finely grated carrots mix with egg yolk and apply on the skin. Carrot mask keep 15-20 minutes. Wash off the mask.


  1. Интересня статья!

  2. Да, натуральные масочки - это очень хорошо.
    Но свежие овощи-фрукты я как-то больше по прямому назначению люблю :)

  3. Ммм - хорошая статья, спасибо! У меня есть горка "рецептов" домашних масок для кожи и волос... Надо будет в Россию за витаминами Б в ампулах съездить....

  4. И я так хочу, масочкой обмазаться и релаксом заняться :)

  5. Какая познавательная статья! Спасибо за информацию
