Monday, 29 December 2014

Christmas in a shopping centers - Krakow (Poland) and Debrecen (Hungary)

Christmas is always wonderful and magical!
A shopping centers give us a wonderful festive mood also.
This is Krakow - beautiful city in Poland (Europe) and a shopping center Galeria Krakowska.


Monday, 22 December 2014

Baby Hat and Baby Booties

This will make a beautiful baby gift that everyone will just adore!

This set is great for your baby's first photo, for christening, blessing, baptism.
This gorgeous, lacy, is waiting to become your family's next treasured heirloom, crafted especially for your newest baby. 
It can be used as a christening set or just a regular dress.
It is made of 100% cotton. 

Monday, 15 December 2014

Friday, 21 November 2014

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

X International Exhibition of crafts and creativity "Golden hands of masters" and I INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL felting in Kiev Part III

Мои собственные 5 минут славы

Мои собственные 5 минут славы

X International Exhibition of crafts and creativity "Golden hands of masters" and VIII-th International Salon "Fashionable Ljalka 2014" in Kiev Part II

 Часть II

X International Exhibition of crafts and creativity "Golden hands of masters" and VIII-th International Salon "Fashionable Ljalka 2014" in Kiev

17 жовтня - 19 2014 в Міжнародному виставковому центрі
Броварський пр-т, 15, Київ, Україна відбулася X Міжнародна виставка ремесел і творчості "Золоті руки майстрів", присвячена всім видам ремесел, а також VIII-го Міжнародного салону "модною ljalka 2014"
Основними цілями виставки-ярмарки «Золоті руки майстрів»:
• підтримка народних майстрів, збереження національних традицій, ремесел популяризація, просування
здоровий спосіб життя і сучасні хобі; 
• об'єднання людей, які люблять мистецтво і ремесла, незалежно від статі, віку, 
національності та соціального статусу;
• презентація тенденцій, трендів, новинок та ідей ручної роботи галузі;
• Будівництво довгострокові відносини між компаніями, що займаються виробництвом і продажем товарів для 
ремесел і додому творчих робіт;
• Презентація ринок нових компаній і брендів.
Я знайшов багато цікавих ідей і дивовижних майстерності майстрів. Мій особливий погляд, я представлю вам. Насолоджуйтесь шоу.

October 17 - 19, 2014 in the International Exhibition Center
Brovarskoy Prospect, 15, Kiev, Ukraine held X International Exhibition of crafts and creativity "Golden hands of masters", dedicated to all kinds of crafts, as well as the VIII-th International Salon "fashionable ljalka 2014"
The main objectives of the exhibition "Golden Hands of Masters":

• support for folk artists, the preservation of national traditions, crafts popularization and promotion of healthy lifestyles and modern hobby; • association of people who love art and craft, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity and social status; • presentation of the trends, trends, new products and ideas handmade industry; • Building long-term relationships between the companies involved in the production and sale of goods for crafts and home of creative work; . • Presentation of new companies and brands I found a lot of interesting ideas and amazing skill masters. My special look, I'll introduce you. Enjoy the show.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Be ready to CHRISTMAS!

Are you love a Christmas?
I am waiting it.
I love to see on pretty Christmas gifts.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Bees and Honey.

We have a small apiary - some 90 hives, around it. My father has been a bee-master for many years, and you would think I must have got used to the bees. Still they amaze me every time.
They are such hard-working creatures that can not be compared to anything else in the living nature!

Saturday, 6 September 2014

TwoCreativeWomen: Friday Finds September Gifts

TwoCreativeWomen: Friday Finds September Gifts: Welcome to this week’s Friday Finds! The theme was “September Gifts” and we selected a lovely gray themed treasury curated by Svitlana from...

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Cute crocheted decorations for Christmas and New Year!

And we have already started to prepare for the New Year!

Our grandmother made a crochet trees, angels and bells.

They can be hung on the Christmas trees, over a window or on a door, on a chandelier.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Fall fashion - our cute hands!

Our hands need for a beauty!
I prepared a fall fashion for your hands!
A fingerless gloves are the best for a fall cold.
It is a fashion for our little princesses.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Nautical style in interior

Nautical style in the interior became very fashionable trend of the modern world.

It will appeal to your younger Junge and sea wolf-husband :-))

Much of this you can do with their hands.


Friday, 27 June 2014

Erotica portrait painting of nude girls 2012 by Ksavera

Some of this paintings still available here -

Artist Ksavera

Dear art and handmade lover! Please, grab a cup of coffee and relax in the chair. Look in the artist's studio and enjoy the creative process!
to be continued...

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Friday, 16 May 2014

Easter Holiday

 Usually for such big and lightful holidays we get prepared thoroughly and well in advance - beginning with fasting, confession, cleaning the house and ending with the holiday preparations in the kitchen.
One of the symbols of Easter is a special cake - "pasca". This year I cooked it myself. And I think it turned out good!

Monday, 5 May 2014

Flora and fauna in my village

One hour drive from Kiev is my village Divichki. 
Lived there my great-grandparents, my grandmother was born there and my mother spent her childhood. Now my family loves to spend the summer there.

Leaves imprints on polymer clay

In a fall me and my daughter taken a great interest to leaves imprints on polymer clay. In the woods near our home we have collected a herbarium, some leaves found on houseplants, and that's we have:

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Monday, 7 April 2014

To remember how it all happened - look at the family album ....

There is a mood, sometimes, that pull us  to revise album. Looking 100 times at the old photos it can be only 101-t  time to understand that those photo implies something important  It's like a time machine that takes us back in time where we can look at ourselves as a children,


Monday, 31 March 2014

Spring collection of a handbags

A handbag - this mandatory accessory for every woman. A beautiful and stylish handbag will attract interested glances, underline style.

I found the collection of beautiful handbags on the Etsy, for girls and ladies, knitted and felted, color and strict.

Monday, 24 March 2014

The spring in jewelry

The spring came. What can be better?

We turned gentle and timid little things: pendants and brooches with real dried flowers.

Each piece is cute  and wonderful.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Master-class "Pendants with a pattern phantom"

Good day everyone visitor! Today I would like to show you how to make these jewerly:

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Cook a handmade soap at home

If you ever try to use the "home" soap, you will not want to buy soap from the shop. Your personal soap is flavored , tender, based on natural ingredients which everyone of us chooses for himself. Handmade soap is not stored for a long time because of the natural ingredients are perishable . The manufacturers add various preservatives to the soap, therefore shop soap is long-lasting and does not spoil.

Chocolate soap

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Spring 2014 fashion scarves

This spring scarf , depending on its shape and texture can be worn with outerwear , as well as an evening dress , as an accessory.

Crocheted shawl

Monday, 3 March 2014

Floristic style in spring jewelry

The spring has come! Every fashionista, woman or girl, wants  to decorate yourself with something spring, tender, romantic. For this are perfect decorations made of natural dried flowers. Decoration in floristic style were always fashionable.
Look, each ornament is exclusively because in nature no available absolutely identical flowers and plants. Each jewelry craftswoman wants would like to emphasize her style..

Watch and enjoy!

Flower pendant

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Is handmade too expensive?

Do you see this eariings on the photo?
I have just finished them and posted to my shop on Etsy.
The price for this pair is 22.44 EUR.
What do you think - is the price rather cheap or expensive?

Monday, 17 February 2014

Homemade cosmetics

In order to prepare your own mask, or other means of homemade cosmetics, you do not have to deliberately go beyond the purchase of the necessary components and ingredients. Especially because their application gives much better results than using expensive cosmetics.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Walking in the woods of Estonia

Today I'd  like to tell and show you some winter beauty of my home country – Estonia.

As you know from the last posts, besides beading I like a lot of sports and hiking is among them.

Natural soap

Recently, it is the demand and supply for a handmade soap, issued as an alternative industrial way. Why handmade soap is better than a soap in a store?


Wednesday, 5 February 2014

The dreams about sea...

It is a snow and blizzard outside the window, and I'd love to dream about the summer, the golden sand in the sea, the gentle surf ....
I remembered my extensive collection of seashells. I took out my herbarium which our grandfather made for us in his summer cottage.
And then such cute pendants came up.
Dry flowers are secured under the layer of special non-toxic 3d jewelry lacquer.
There is a suede or lace cords on the pendants.
If you
liked my shell pendants, you can buy them in my Etsy shop...

Shell necklace

Monday, 3 February 2014

Сhristening baby

Christening of the child is the Sacrament of the Church and is divine institution, which is made by Lord Himself . Sacrament is the sacred act in which using visible signs and symbols secretly ( inexplicably ) the person is gaining the grace of the Holy Spirit , or the saving power of God.

Friday, 31 January 2014

Along the winter trails ...

We managed this winter to realize our dream - to go skiing in Austria.

Austria is good at any time of year. 
In the spring it was romantic, with dripping icicles 
under the roofs of the old houses.

dripping icicles

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

My fascination with lampwork

Welcome all looked into our blog. My name is Julia. I live in Belgium, Town Gemblouh. I have a loving husband and three sons. My family supports me in my hobby. I create jewelry.  My shop is here. I work with polymer clay, natural stones, beads. I recently started working in the art lampwork. I organized  workspace in our garage :)

lampwork, workspace

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


Today I will tell you about symbolic meaning of colours. First of all, when we choose the clothes or accessory, or jewelery we are interested in selection of preferred color. But all colours have its own meaning and symbol.
Today we will talk about the most bright color - about red

red glass beads

My story is simple.

Hello. My story is simple.
My name is Svitlana. I am from Ukraine – there’s such a country in the center of Europe. I have a husband and a daughter. My family is very important for me. They inspire me to search new ideas; they support my beginnings and are always ready to help me.

I have been fond of knitting since school. The first time I took crochet, my grandma showed me two eyelets – single crochet and double crochet. My creative work started from these two eyelets. Person, who was the first to come up with entanglement of threads in a way that the picture appears, was genius. This knitwear is vivid, it creates good mood and charges with positive energy.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Hobby in people’s life

In our country– Ukraine – parents teach their kids to envolve their personalities from the childhood - read books, do the sport, find their capture. This capture - hobby - is quite important for everyone.
Hobby gives you the chance to be private, to stay alone with your own thoughts. Hobby is pretty better than psychologist and you can find soul balance, keep calm, and get positive moods in life.
In our family we have a special attention to the hobbies. My daughter is painting batik from the childhood - painting on the silk, she also makes clay and beaded jewelry.

But I want to tell you a few words about my son - Dan.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Riga Christmas 2014

Hello! My name is Julija. I’m from the small country called Estonia. My biggest hobby and passion is making beaded jewelry and accessories, but I’m not only Handmader. I’m starting my career as a physician right now, but beside my work and my hobby I also like travelling, hiking, cycling, backpacking, water sports and climbing. I often get my beading ideas while visiting places I have never been before. In the future you can see more photos of Riga on my Facebook page - follow me! All of my beadworks are available in my Etsy shop .

 Riga Christmas 2014
  This year we – me and my Belowed decided to break the routine and spend the Christmas holidays in the different place. It took us some time to think and finally we decided to go to Riga.
Welcome to Etsy shop

Friday, 10 January 2014

Our post today is about DECOUPAGE.

Decoupage is a popular trend. The technique of decoupage actually dates back to twelfth century China. it became known as decoupage during the seventeenth century when it became enormously popular in France and Italy. The term comes from the word 'decouper,' which means 'to cut out'. Some famous people are known to have loved and enjoyed decoupaging during their lives including Madame de Pompadour, Marie Antoinette and Beau Brummell. Decoupage is relatively easy and inexpensive to do. Here are some basic guidelines to get you started.

We will step by step make decoupage bag from faux leather.
I used brush, repair tape, alcohol, scissors, pencil, potch for napkins, artistic gel, primer, hairdryer, napkins and bag.
 faux leather bag

1. I bought high-quality faux leather bag at the store.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

We started!

We started the blog of our team. "We" it means
Katrin (
Julija (
Svetlana (
Ulyana (
Julia (
Ksenia (
Svitlana (
 In simple life we are daughter, mothers, wives, sisters, girlfriends, etc. You still don‘t know us, of course, but we will try to be interesting for you. We all are different: we live in different countries, have different habits and tastes, but we had been merged by ours hobby -- we are hand-maders. Maby smth more, we are HAND-MADERS (this is right and more loudly). Of course our lives are not limited by only hand-mading, sometimes we have to clean, cook and erase...and another stuff.